Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

A great deal can be learnt from observing healthcare practices in different countries. Having spent some time in China I was struck at how healthy and active the elderly population is in China.  In a world where the number of people living to 100 is set to increase, it become paramount that we adopt healthier lifestyles so that we can remain healthy in our old age.

A common sense approach is what I observed when living in China, eat a healthy diet, exercises and keep the mind active! This approach to health is something that we could all learn from.  A major concern that we have in the UK is healthcare provision for the elderly. It is a good thing if we can take measure during our youth and carry on these practices into our old age. However healthcare in China ramins an important issue for its population, though there is something to be learned from the culture and mindset towards healthy living.

This raises questions about the UK’s approach to healthy living.

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  1. Pingback: Healthy, Wealthy and Wise(?) « DaddyTechie

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